Self-Service Password Reset

Users can reset their password directly from the HHAX Login page without having to contact support.


On the Client Login page, click Forgot Password? to start a password reset.

The Forgot Password link displays at bottom left emphasized on the Client Login page.

Forgot Password Link


Enter your Username and Email address. Click Send Email.

On the Forgot Password page, the Send Email button displays at bottom to enable users to receive instructions for password reset.

Send Email Request


The system issues an alert when the email has been sent. The link sent is valid for the next 12 hours.

In the image, the Forgot Password message displays that the email has been sent to the address associated with the username for the forgotten password.

Email Sent


A system-generated email is sent to the user’s registered email address. This email contains a link, valid for 12 hours, and instructions for a user to reset (change) their password in the system. Click Reset Password and follow the prompts.

In the image, the Reset Password email and instructions display.

Reset Password Email


On the Reset Password page, the Username field is auto-filled. Enter a new Password, and reenter the new password in Confirm Password. Click Save Password to continue.


On the Reset Password page, the Save Password button displays at bottom to confirm the new password.

Reset Password


The system indicates a successful password reset. Click Continue to Login to route back to the Login screen.


On the Reset Password page, the Continue to Login button displays emphasized.

Continue to Access HHAX Homepage


Password Requirements

Passwords requirements are as follows:


  • Must be at least eight characters long.

  • Cannot:

    • Use more than three sequential or repeated characters

      • Valid: 123, ABC, aaa, 111, 333

      • Invalid: 1234, ABCD, aaaa, 1111, 3333

    • Include the following words/characters: username/hhaexchange/qwerty/password.


Note: Password requirements are only enforced when a user modifies their password; existing passwords are not affected.


In the image, on the Reset Password page, the instructions display for the new password, such as a 64-character limit.

Invalid Password


Refer to the Password Reset by Agency Administrator Job Aid which provides instructions for an Agency Administrator to reset a user password.